by Hannah Wimmer and Maximilian Prag

Hannah Wimmer (choreography, performance) and Maximilian Prag
(Transmedia Art) have been collaborating on projects at the interface between art, technology and performance since 2019. Their works deal with the body located simultaneously in virtual and physical space.

Maximilian PragCV + selected further projectsArtist Statement
Maximilian Prag (they/them, *1997, Linz) is an interdisciplinary artist and designer testing contemporary visual and new media culture. Working with new media technology in between visual communication and art, they create new formats of digital representation, virtual worlds, digital generative imagery and multimedia installations.

They are interested in contemporary imagery, internet culture and experimenting with phygital experiences exploring new interactions in between our mixed realities, online and away from screens. 

The collective work, community and collaborations are important parts of their artistic practice, always engaging in projects outside of their individual practice, from music videos, stage design, live visuals, virtual exhibition design or fashion design. 

Maximilian is working as a 3D designer for the Vienna based media arts festival CIVA by sound:frame, which they accompanied from its inception and had an integral part in its conceptualization and is part of the artist-lead collective room69, with whom they are creating new formats of exhibitions in phygital spaces.

They are currently studying Graphic Design and Transmedia Arts at the University of Applied Arts, living and working in Vienna.
©2024Hannah Wimmer

Maximilian Prag